Jayme Toyas: IFBB PRO Athlete & Coach
My Bio: Jayme Toyas
Sport specific training, bodybuilding, power lifting, Jayme
is well versed in all forms of movement.
Whether looking to improve speed or just put on muscle, Jayme can show
you how to do it.
My Athelte Background
Former college basketball player
28 years lifting experience
My Record
2014 Oregon Open Heavyweight Bodybuilding 4th place
2021 Night of Champions 2nd place Open Classic Bodybuilding
2021 Northwest Championships 1st place open 1st place
Masters Open overall champion classic Bodybuilding
2023 Tahoe Show 1st place open 1st place Masters Open
overall champion classic bodybuilding
North American Championships 1st place over 35 over 6’ IFBB Pro
Coaching Services
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My Mission
Write up what you want me to put here and email it to me. Make sure each catagory is spellchecked and seperated from other catogories.
Jayme's Picture's
Contact me for Diet, Coaching & other questions.
My Favorites: