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Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals

SUPER DMZ Prohormone Stack

SUPER DMZ Prohormone Stack

Regular price $169.99 USD
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SUPER DMZ Prohormone Stack

SAVE OVER $70 by getting the kit instead of individual bottles.

 SUPER DMZ Prohormone Stack is world renowned for it mass and strength building capabilities. Super DMZ for sale, Buy NOW wile it is still available. This is an original fan favorite. Super DMZ is one the best prohormones available.

This prohormone on cycle kit lasts 6.5 Weeks. Do not use for more than 13 weeks.

Take 1 Superdrol with 1 Dymethazine in the morning, and 1 Superdrol with 1 Dymethazine in the evening. This synergistic combination of 1,100mg for prohormones a day can yield amazing results rivaling any “old school prohormone” with Completion of this cycle must include and PCT.

How to run this cycle:

Weeks 1-6.5: 1 Superdrol with 1 Dymethazine in the morning, and 1 Superdrol with 1 Dymethazine in the evening.

Weeks 6.5-10.5: PCT


What these Products are:

  • Increase Lean Muscle Mass†
  • Improve Recovery Time†
  • Increase Strength†
  • Libido Boost†
  • Increase Vascularity†

Dymethazine is a dry, highly anabolic prohormone that consist of two 3Beta-hydroxy-5alpha-androstan-17-one hormones with an azine bond for improved bioavailability. If you’re looking to look more cut and vascular as you sculpt your physique with maximum strength gains, this product could be perfect for you.  Dymathezine should not be taken by anyone under 18 years of age. 

Ingredient: 250mg of 3Beta-hydroxy-5alpha-androstan-17-one azine.



 Bodybuilding's Most Anabolically-Potent, Single-Dose Tablet!


·        Formulated with Anabolic & Androgenic Agents, Including, Legal Pro-Hormone Esters

·        Amino Acid Catalytic Converter and Promotes Protein Synthesis

·        Natural Steroidal Anabolic and Anti-Proteolytic Formulation

·        Boost Testosterone Levels and/or Enhance Athletic Performance

SUPERDROL®, short for “Super Anadrol”, is a prohormone supplement that is designed to help athletes reduce excess bodyfat while helping build lean muscle mass. This performance enhancing product is extremely potent and is legendary among the bodybuilding community. SUPERDROL® is a Hi-Tech Prohormone supplement that really thrusts bodybuilding supplementation into a new era with the most anabolically-potent, single-dose tablet ever created for bodybuilders. Among its numerous obscure anabolic compounds, SUPERDROL® contains the highest dosage of prohormones to be found anywhere! Hi-Tech has included this high dosage of Androstenolone Acetate, Androsterone undecanoate, 4-Andro, 1-Andro and Hi-Tech's exclusive "Super Anabolic" Δ4-Androstene-3α-ol-17-one to ensure that just one tablet alone surpasses the threshold level required for a truly efficacious anabolic response. In a nutshell, SUPERDROL® represents "high-concentrated Prohormone" sports supplementation.

The advanced body builder can increase the dosage to 3 capsuls a day.

Most Powerful Prohormones on the market, innovative labls, High quality, Prohormones FREE Shipping, with code (big3)

Cutting-Prohormone stack, Lean Mass, Best prohormone for athletes, strength, (Most sports prohibit the use of these products)

Prohormone for lean mass, muscle building @ bigdansfitness

Top 10, bulbing prohormones, of all time!

Prohormones for sale, FREE Shipping, Low Prices, on Sale, at, for cheap.

We have done a lot of reasearch to find the highest quality prohormones, most powerful prohormones, strongest prohormones, most effective prohormones, prohormones for strength, prohormone stack, best prohormones for bulking, best prohormones for cutting, best prohormones for lean mass, and the all around, best prohormones. We have found the, best replacement for superdrol, Halodrol to be, Methyl-Sten, Cyanostane, or DMZ, which are legal. Everyone knows the, Prohormone Bann sucked, and that sucked! We are continuing to research to find, new prohormones, safe prohormones, better prohormones, and, new prohormones.

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SUPER DMZ Prohormone Stack

SAVE OVER $70 by getting the kit instead of individual bottles.

 SUPER DMZ Prohormone Stack is world renowned for it mass and strength building capabilities. Super DMZ for sale, Buy NOW wile it is still available. This is an original fan favorite. Super DMZ is one the best prohormones available.

This prohormone on cycle kit lasts 6.5 Weeks. Do not use for more than 13 weeks.

Take 1 Superdrol with 1 Dymethazine in the morning, and 1 Superdrol with 1 Dymethazine in the evening. This synergistic combination of 1,100mg for prohormones a day can yield amazing results rivaling any “old school prohormone” with Completion of this cycle must include and PCT.

How to run this cycle:

Weeks 1-6.5: 1 Superdrol with 1 Dymethazine in the morning, and 1 Superdrol with 1 Dymethazine in the evening.

Weeks 6.5-10.5: PCT


What these Products are:

  • Increase Lean Muscle Mass†
  • Improve Recovery Time†
  • Increase Strength†
  • Libido Boost†
  • Increase Vascularity†

Dymethazine is a dry, highly anabolic prohormone that consist of two 3Beta-hydroxy-5alpha-androstan-17-one hormones with an azine bond for improved bioavailability. If you’re looking to look more cut and vascular as you sculpt your physique with maximum strength gains, this product could be perfect for you.  Dymathezine should not be taken by anyone under 18 years of age. 

Ingredient: 250mg of 3Beta-hydroxy-5alpha-androstan-17-one azine.



 Bodybuilding's Most Anabolically-Potent, Single-Dose Tablet!


·        Formulated with Anabolic & Androgenic Agents, Including, Legal Pro-Hormone Esters

·        Amino Acid Catalytic Converter and Promotes Protein Synthesis

·        Natural Steroidal Anabolic and Anti-Proteolytic Formulation

·        Boost Testosterone Levels and/or Enhance Athletic Performance

SUPERDROL®, short for “Super Anadrol”, is a prohormone supplement that is designed to help athletes reduce excess bodyfat while helping build lean muscle mass. This performance enhancing product is extremely potent and is legendary among the bodybuilding community. SUPERDROL® is a Hi-Tech Prohormone supplement that really thrusts bodybuilding supplementation into a new era with the most anabolically-potent, single-dose tablet ever created for bodybuilders. Among its numerous obscure anabolic compounds, SUPERDROL® contains the highest dosage of prohormones to be found anywhere! Hi-Tech has included this high dosage of Androstenolone Acetate, Androsterone undecanoate, 4-Andro, 1-Andro and Hi-Tech's exclusive "Super Anabolic" Δ4-Androstene-3α-ol-17-one to ensure that just one tablet alone surpasses the threshold level required for a truly efficacious anabolic response. In a nutshell, SUPERDROL® represents "high-concentrated Prohormone" sports supplementation.

The advanced body builder can increase the dosage to 3 capsuls a day.

Most Powerful Prohormones on the market, innovative labls, High quality, Prohormones FREE Shipping, with code (big3)

Cutting-Prohormone stack, Lean Mass, Best prohormone for athletes, strength, (Most sports prohibit the use of these products)

Prohormone for lean mass, muscle building @ bigdansfitness

Top 10, bulbing prohormones, of all time!

Prohormones for sale, FREE Shipping, Low Prices, on Sale, at, for cheap.

We have done a lot of reasearch to find the highest quality prohormones, most powerful prohormones, strongest prohormones, most effective prohormones, prohormones for strength, prohormone stack, best prohormones for bulking, best prohormones for cutting, best prohormones for lean mass, and the all around, best prohormones. We have found the, best replacement for superdrol, Halodrol to be, Methyl-Sten, Cyanostane, or DMZ, which are legal. Everyone knows the, Prohormone Bann sucked, and that sucked! We are continuing to research to find, new prohormones, safe prohormones, better prohormones, and, new prohormones.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
James Allen

Im loving the supplements seems to be working already

Tanner Falk

This stuff is better than the original super DMZ. I did not lose any endurance like I did with the original. In fact I gained more reps and and increased strength and vascularity while building muscle.
Getting a second kit to continue to 12 and a 1/2 weeks Then doing PCT. No side effect so far.